Interesting performance of NO BLACKS, NO DOGS, NO POLES last night. Our black box technician fail to put in an appearence for the start of the show! The first act was performed without lighting/music cues – not that it affected the performances- or the audience’s enjoyment, it seems! Fortunately he appeared for the second act, so normal service was resumed. Well done to the cast!
Last week this week – DON’T MISS IT!!

Sky Leith says;  Once I was performing at the Las Vegas Hilton, in one of those tacky mega-productions complete with an onstage volcano, 50 topless women, and elephants. The star elephant, Tanya, was doing a handstand on a revolving platform during her solo act, and chose this moment to relieve herself. A fountain of pee, as if from a garden hose, drew a large wet circle on the stage as her platform rotated. The show, of course, went on.

Danny Kaye in the musical TWO BY TWO; . singing a love song to his ‘wife’ while sitting on a rock together, she wiggled uncomfortably all through this wonderful song he sang to her … when the song was over, she turned her back to the audience, laughing and rolling her eyes – he had complete unzipped her dress while singing to her.

My own favourite comes from St Nicholas, being performed at the BUSH THEATRE by Brian Cox. Brian comes on stage and after less than 10 minutes he ‘dries’. He speaks to the audience; ‘I am sorry ladies and gentlemen but my mind’s gone blank. Would you mind if I left the stage for a moment?’ He leaves the stage and returns in a few minutes, starts from the beginning again, and sails through the performance as if nothing had happened. What a professional!